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  Privacy Policy

Factiva Privacy Policy

Factiva's commitment to maintaining your privacy
At Factiva we take your privacy seriously and we are committed to protecting the personal information that you choose to share with us either through, or otherwise through any of the Factiva services. We understand the importance of maintaining your trust and confidence in Factiva and we shall ensure that the personal information you submit to us through or remains private and is used only as set out in this policy.

Factiva Products and Services
This page describes Factiva’s general commitment to privacy and specifically to information you submit through this Web site. If you subscribe to any Factiva services, your personal information may also be gathered during registration for, or use of, such Factiva services. Personal information you submit via Factiva services will be used subject to the specific policy displayed within each service.

Information gathered through this Web site
In sections of this site, you have the chance to provide to us personal identifying information such as your name, e-mail address, telephone number, etc. This personal information will be used solely for the purposes explained to you when you provide it.

Factiva may also use your information collectively, such as to measure what area users visit most frequently and what information users access the most. We use this data anonymously in connection with the design of our Web site. This information also helps us determine what is most beneficial for our users and how we can continually create a better overall service for you. This aggregate information is never used so that individual users can be personally identified and it does not involve the transfer of any personal data we hold about you.

Marketing of other Factiva Services
If you give us permission, we may use your personal information to make you aware of additional Factiva services that may be of interest to you. We may also ask you for other additional information, to be provided at your discretion, in an effort to deliver to you the best possible service experience. Factiva provides you with the opportunity to opt-in to these types of communications. If you choose to receive these types of communications at the time of registration, but later decide you no longer want to receive them, simply email us at or contact us at the address below.

Storage of your Personal Information by Factiva
The personal information that you provide to Factiva is held on our secure servers. This information will be shared within the Factiva group of companies only. Except as described above, we will not knowingly disclose any of this personal data to outside parties save when you expressly consent or we believe the law requires it.

Updating Account Information
You have the right to ask Factiva for a copy of the personal information that we hold about you. This information shall be provided on payment of an administration fee. To do this you can write to us at the appropriate address specified below. If you wish to update the personal information that we hold about you please contact us at the address set out below or through this Web site.

To enhance your experience of this site, we use a feature on your internet browser called a "cookie". Cookies are small files that your Web browser places on your computer's hard drive. Because of our use of cookies, we can deliver faster service, update results and provide a more personalized site experience. In order for the site to work best you should not set up your browser to reject cookies.

Factiva provides, within some services, various opportunities for you to submit feedback. Any feedback that is submitted becomes the property of Factiva. We may use this feedback, such as success stories, for marketing purposes, or to contact you for further information.

Privacy Commitment Changes
If Factiva decides to change its privacy policy, we will post those changes here so that you will always know what information we gather and how we might use that information. If, at any time, you have questions or concerns about Factiva's privacy commitment, please feel free to contact us either through this Web site or at the address below.

Who is Factiva?
Factiva is an international group of companies and you should be aware that your data may be transferred to Factiva entities in countries outside your own. Not all such countries have personal data protection laws but Factiva imposes its privacy policy on all its group companies.

Users based in the United States will be supplying their personal information to Factiva, Inc. of P.O. Box 300, Princeton, NJ 08530. Users outside of these territories will be supplying their personal information to Factiva Limited of 6th Floor, Commodity Quay, East Smithfield, London E1 9UN. (Both companies trade as “Factiva”).

*Factiva is a trademark of Factiva, Inc., whose representative in the EEA is Factiva Limited.



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